Next chapter of Real Night of Jumpscare Animatronic scary game! Defend yourself against animatronics and even worse creatures hiding in the shadows! Welcome to the pizzeria nightmare safeguarding yourself until the morning comes! Open or close the doors and switch on the light not to let corrupted animatronics attack you! Check the cameras and close the doors to protect yourself from the fierce animatronics.
Game features:
- Lot of jumpscares
- Enemy AI that can trap you
- Cool sound effect that can be entertained when you using headphones
- Bomb effect and unthinkable camera jumpscare
Rule 1: Survive your way for all nights until 6am, checking cameras and closing the doors.
Rule 2: The battery power is consumed (with the use of cameras, lights, bombs and doors closed).
Rule 3: You need to close the door in the room where the animatronic stay.
Rule 4: The bomb used for send back and stunning animatronic to the starting point. Use it wisely!
Rule 7: You have to be calm. Good Luck!!!
bab berikutnya dari Malam Real Jumpscare Animatronic permainan menakutkan! Membela diri terhadap animatronik dan makhluk bahkan lebih buruk bersembunyi dalam bayang-bayang! Selamat datang di mimpi buruk pizzeria menjaga diri sampai pagi datang! Membuka atau menutup pintu dan beralih lampu untuk tidak membiarkan animatronik rusak menyerang Anda! Memeriksa kamera dan menutup pintu untuk melindungi diri dari animatronik sengit.
Game fitur:
- Banyak jumpscares
- Musuh AI yang dapat menjebak Anda
- keren efek suara yang dapat terhibur ketika Anda menggunakan headphone
- Efek Bom dan jumpscare kamera terpikirkan
Aturan 1: Survive cara Anda untuk semua malam sampai 6 pagi, memeriksa kamera dan menutup pintu.
Aturan 2: The daya baterai dikonsumsi (dengan penggunaan kamera, lampu, bom dan pintu ditutup).
Aturan 3: Anda perlu menutup pintu di ruangan tempat animatronik tinggal.
Aturan 4: Bom yang digunakan untuk mengirim kembali dan menakjubkan animatronik ke titik awal. Gunakan dengan bijak!
Aturan 7: Anda harus tenang. Semoga berhasil!!!
Next chapter of Real Night of Jumpscare Animatronic scary game! Defend yourself against animatronics and even worse creatures hiding in the shadows! Welcome to the pizzeria nightmare safeguarding yourself until the morning comes! Open or close the doors and switch on the light not to let corrupted animatronics attack you! Check the cameras and close the doors to protect yourself from the fierce animatronics.
Game features:
- Lot of jumpscares
- Enemy AI that can trap you
- Cool sound effect that can be entertained when you using headphones
- Bomb effect and unthinkable camera jumpscare
Rule 1: Survive your way for all nights until 6am, checking cameras and closing the doors.
Rule 2: The battery power is consumed (with the use of cameras, lights, bombs and doors closed).
Rule 3: You need to close the door in the room where the animatronic stay.
Rule 4: The bomb used for send back and stunning animatronic to the starting point. Use it wisely!
Rule 7: You have to be calm. Good Luck!!!